Language & Communication Business Suite
Most executives are not formally trained in Communication, however they manage to survive in a world which requires constant dialogue with colleagues, clients, management, contacts, family and friends. It is no surprise however, to find that many top management and high achievers are trained in communication techniques.
Whether you are an inspirational leader, a top salesperson or negotiator, a team manager or have the need to influence stakeholders, communication skills are an essential skillset that you can learn today!
Interpersonal Communication Effectiveness (ICE)
This training covers fundamental tools for developing awareness of communication patterns and improving one’s personal communication effectiveness. The content is based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques and well established coaching and linguistic based tools which have been used effectively by business and political leaders for decades.
Duration: 1 day or 2 days
Level: Foundation
Collaborative Communication Techniques (CCT)
This training provides a comprehensive set off communication tools for managing conflict and increasing collaboration with both internal stakeholders and external counter parties. In situations where interpersonal dealings are challenging, collaborative communication techniques can be adopted to promote a ‘one-team’ mindset, where team interests are recognised as being aligned, and joint business success is seen as the goal. Such situations are common where departmental silos, differing priorities and personality clashes result in losses in efficiency and productivity to the cost of the organisation. The techniques introduced in this training are based on leading research from top academics and practitioners in the fields of communication theory.
Duration: Keynote, 1 day or 2 days
Level: Advanced
How to be an Influential Communicator (HIC)
This training provides a series of linguistic tools for executives of all levels who want to communicate with authority and influence while maintaining empathy and respect. Participants learn a tool kit of linguistic techniques which they can use to improve their communicative effectiveness with internal stakeholders, management, team members and clients.
Duration: 1 day
Level: Advanced
Human Resource Communication Training (HRC)
Due to policy guidelines, HR executives often find themselves in a position that they have to reject a request. The need to follow Covid related policies does not always match staff expectations, and HR is tasked with the difficult job of delivering the company line. This can have a negative impact on the perception of HR with colleagues in other departments and the need for effective communication has therefore never been higher. It is therefore necessary to position HR as a partner with aligned interests, rather than a gatekeeper disconnected from front-line business realities. The objective of this training is to offer a series of tools enabling HR executives to diplomatically turn down requests and manage expectations, while remaining a trusted team player and valued colleague.
Duration: 1 day or 2 days
Level: Advanced